One of the many reasons why politics is angry and contentious is that, we could not agree on the set rules. There are some of us who like to argue that some policies are good and some are bad. On the other hand, a lot of Americans are very vocal for not really caring about what these policies are. Rather, they would argue that it is their side that is right.
It’s Everyone’s Game
They also do not care if these are same policies or perhaps comparable to those that they have denounced earlier.
The system as a result has been clogged with hypocrisy, flipflopping and bad-faith arguments.
What most Americans and policymakers think of? It basically depends whether their party’s president is who, who runs up the debts. When the other guys’ in power, it is actually a reckless endangerment of the children’s future – then when it is their guy who is in power, it is a necessary step in ensuring economic growth.
Unity is what Needed
This is why there are so many people who are arguing about politics; because they cannot meet on common grounds. If this would only be addressed and a true leader would emerge, then possibly, it can unite the country and work as one.