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How Social Media Add Value to Television News
When everyone is occupied, we appreciate every moment we use on social networks, watch TV or chat with friends. Media companies hope to use social media integration to keep pace with trends and attract viewers. Social networking has transformed the way traditional media is produced, shared and consumed. We are constantly enriching ourselves with news and entertainment, and thus social media continues to enhance our and experience with TV networks.
Compared to the past, more and more people are using social networks as a place to communicate with friends, exchange personal information, and interact with others. People can share their preferred television programs with good friends and supporters.
We have found that television is not enough now.
As a result of social media, enjoying our preferred TV shows became important. We can talk to other fans in real-time during the show and engage in critique and fandom in a way that was once not possible. Throughout the show, you can chat with other followers instantly, comment and become fanatic in a manner that was at one time unachievable.
There are many ways to integrate social media into the television world.
Integrating Live chats
A large number of shows now encourage their fans to chat live during the show. This is particularly trendy on MTV and reality TV shows. Fans are motivated to watch the program and talk about it. This is likewise a favorite activity on Twitter as well as chosen show discussion boards. Before, there is more fun when you watch a tv program with friends. Now, you can actually interact with fans around the world as you see your chosen show.
Using Forums
Almost all programs (specifically TV reality programs) have a nice forum within their website. This forum should enable viewers and followers to exchange ideas and give opinions on characters, actions, etc. The use of forums has become a derived fan page and fans have taken their passion for the program to another level.
Connect with Twitter
Taking the popular reality-based MTV film “Jersey Shore” as an example, this is a famous topic. Each actor has a Twitter feed that gives fans feedback and sometimes “insider” data regarding a specific season.
Share on Facebook
Following your favorite show on Facebook could be among the best experience of any fan. This is due to programs sharing posts videos, sneak previews and others. A few also present their fans chances to win private tours and even dinner with the entire casts.
These are generally just some of the numerous approaches that supporters of tv programming can interact with the show and with other fans instantly. Watching TV has become more exciting. Through the effectiveness of social networking, direct connection with the most popular actors and tv producers has become possible.