Definition of Dementia
Dementia is a condition which involves memory loss that is very common to people who are at least fifty five years old. Symptoms may start to get worse when they reach the age of 65. Unfortunately, early signs of dementia is not that easy to spot which is why people only start the treatment and therapy when dementia is already worse. Hence, if you know a loved one who might have a dementia, it is better to conduct a demens test even at early age. This is to start the needed medications and treatment so as to delay the extreme symptoms of dementia.
It is also important to take note that if one person is experiencing a memory loss, it does not mean that he/she has a dementia. There are several factors that may trigger memory loss such as anxiety, depression, and some medications. But if memory loss happens frequently to you or to your loved one, it is best to consult a doctor and conduct a dementia test.
Is Dementia Really Curable?
While there really is no any form of treatment or medication that may cure dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other forms of condition that involves memory loss, researches continuously aims to provide at least a solution to decrease the frequency of memory loss.
Aside from studies on dementia or Alzheimer’s cure, researchers are also into looking for clear answers and explanations as to how memory loss has become the major side effect of such condition. This is quite a challenging one because it involves careful studying on brain damage. There are also ongoing studies that focus more on providing a cure on dementia, however this will take a lot of years, but there are already evident advances.
To fully understand, we have listed below the major areas researchers have been looking in to for number of decades now:
1. Relation of dementia to stem cells
2. Boosting one’s immune system
3. Discovery of new medications that aids at least recovery from dementia.
4. Identifying symptoms of dementia at an early stage.
5. Practices, lifestyle, and other ways that prevent such condition.